PWDT Actions

weekly collection
Written by misc
June 14, 2018

Here’s a list of our favourite new opportunities for you guys to get involved with this week. Some are linked to our articles, others are here simply because we think they are brilliant. Whether you want to get involved in a cause at the casual click of a button, you have an hour a week to fill, or you’re looking for a new and exciting job – keep looking to see what’s on.




Spread the LGBT message

Free & Equal United Nations provides memes and gifs about equality and acceptance that you can download to easily add the LGBT message to your social media voice.



Join A Movement: 


Revising history

All history ever is is a bunch of stories – great stories – but stories that have generally been compiled by rich, white men. You men are great, but you’re not the only ones. We need to retell history with justice, to revive the voices that were overlooked or suppressed, in order to live up to our modern day promises of equality, which are far from fulfilled.

  • This point applies mostly to students. Look at your course guide, your reading lists, your student demographic – do they seem representative to you? If not, DO SOMETHING. Make a noise, support the fights of minority societies, universities NEED TO BE PRESSURED because they are still putting out pathetic excuses as to why their proclaimed ‘decolonisation’ is crawling a snail’s trail. It is a sabotage to everyone’s education to deny them insight into all the world’s wisdom.
  • Diversify all your info intake to expand your exposure. E.g. leisure reading – pick your 5 next book from authors of a different race, continent or class to you. Download the Revisionist History podcast, it’s digestible listening, makes for great conversation, and it’s altering.




Humanitarian Airbnb

Last year, Airbnb unveiled a program called Open Homes, inviting homeowners to open their homes to refugees or evacuees after a disaster. The company is now expanding that programme with a pilot project that enables hosts to list their properties ahead of a disaster, and accelerate emergency response.


Socks & Chocs

This charity focuses on lots of little things that make a big difference for homeless people (clothing, bedding, toiletries, first aid). It’s Trustees don’t take a penny for themselves in salary or expenses, they’re all just lovely people.
You can:

  • Look out for homeless people…
    • It’s often difficult to know how to respond when you see someone homeless on the street. Many people feel awkward and ignore the person, which can be demoralising and cold; at the same time, many people consider giving money problematic (trust your individual judgement here), which makes it hard to know what to do.
    • A good response is firstly to smile, and then (more concretely) to BE AWARE OF YOUR LOCAL HOMELESS SHELTER / HOSTEL so you can direct people there to seek help, or alert the charity STREET LINK (via phone or Web) of the location of the person sleeping rough, so they can send out their nearest support worker and help the person in need to find temporary accommodation.
  • Donate by texting SOCK08 £2 to 70070
  • Organise a collection in your area


Sofa Activism:


Phone Credit For Refugees

This fantastic charity connects people with a little spare change to refugees in desperate need of phone credit. Think about it – if you had to flee home, what would be the first thing you’d take? Your phone. That is how you stay in touch with your family as you’re carried further and further away. Many refugees would choose phone credit and data over other more obvious forms of emergency aid, not only to talk to their loved ones but also people they know in areas of destination for comfort, security and guidance.

  • From the UK, text CALA85£10 (amount can be anything from £1-10 per day) to 70070
  • You can set up a one-time or recurring donation HERE
  • Don’t forget to Gift Aid!


Be Entertained:


To understand a little bit more about life in Russia, have a gander on BBC iPlayer and watch shows like Reggie Yates’ Extreme Russia, a three-part series on neo-nazism, LGBT rights and the pressures that arise with modelling, and Frankie Goes To Russia, where ahead of the World Cup Frankie Boyle explores Russian culture.

Don’t forget to bear in mind Western bias!


Read last week’s action list HERE

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