PWDT Actions

weekly collection
Written by misc
May 24, 2018

Weekly Collection


Every week we’ll be grouping together a list of our favourite new opportunities for you guys to get involved with. Some are linked to our articles, others are here simply because we think they are brilliant. Whether you want to get involved in a cause at the casual click of a button, you have an hour a week to fill, or you’re looking for a new and exciting job – keep looking to see what’s on.


Sofa Activism:


Who Gives a Crap?


Ellen has served us up some genius with Who Gives A Crap loo roll, who give 50%of their profits to build toilets in communities all over the world and are super environmentally friendly.


2.3 billion people (roughly 40% of the world’s population) don’t have access to a toilet. Around 289,000 children under five die every year from diarrhoeal diseases caused by poor water and sanitation. That’s almost 800 children per day, or one child every two minutes. Let’s help them end this and get involved! 




We’re living for this app! iCukoo is our newest discovery (although we’re quite late to the game). If you’re like us and love to tap that snooze button on repeat, download this app. Every time you press snooze, the app will donate an amount of your choice to charity. So you can save your pennies and haul yourself out of bed or snooze happily knowing you’re contributing to a worthy cause.


Join a Movement:


Walking for Health


“Walking is the nearest activity to the perfect exercise”. Healthy bodies, healthy minds, preventing illness – they are many ways walking is good for you. Walking for Health brings people and communities together to tackle the rising levels of obesity. Have a read of Hannah’s Me-Time in Motion to find out more ways to walk with mindfulness!




Bug Life / Friends of the Earth


Save a bug’s life! Bugs are in decline and it affects whole world ecosystem – they clean our water, fertilise our soil, and pollinate our plants. Even the lowliest worm is a friend to the people.

They’re only little, so think small:


Rethink your garden if you’re lucky enough to have one: bugs love evergreen shrubs, climbers, hellebore, mahonia…



Ethical honey: sidestep a sticky dilemma – don’t rely on the organic label as British beekeepers usually can’t guarantee their bees only visit organic flowers, even if they run their land organically. This means organic honey is generally imported (high food miles and potentially poor working conditions). Find local beekeepers who have good principles. Otherwise these brands have Friends of the Earth approval: Equal Exchange organic Fairtrade honey (£5.35), Tropical Forest’s Fairtrade and organic honey (£3.19)


Have a BEE TEA PARTY to raise awareness!




Become an egg, sperm or embryo donor 


Fertility Fest 2018 has given us pause for thought on the emotional journey of those struggling to conceive, as well as an insight into reproductive science. If you are willing to do a remarkable thing by donating so that others can have children, then the National Gamete Donation Trust is a great place for potential donors as well as intended parents to get information and support.


Read last week’s action list HERE


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